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Student seeking for admission for on-location studies at EKANEM OROK EDUCATIONAL AND LEARNING FOUNDATION, agrees to posses the following qualities to qualify him or her for admission. 


These are:

1. To observe punctuality when attending classes and submitting all school work on time.

2. To be Hard working and diligent during class work and also with home work.

3. To put in a lot of effort into improving the capacity to learn and applying the techniques and skills shown in school.

4. To recognize weakness in any chosen subject and to focus on improving on that weakness by studying more on the subject during private hours, while focusing on the usually class activities.

​5. To be determined and to preserve through all studies and the projects chosen by the student.


Registration Terms and Conditions (Please Read Carefully)



1. I am aware that the school operates on a unique method of teaching, the personal tutoring method. An instructor will be allocated to me to guide me throughout out my study period. Hence, I will need lots of hard work to realize my project for my course. 


2. I am aware that the school operates on 85% practical and 15% theory as such I must attend not less than 90% of the credit hours allocated to me for my course choice to enable me earn my diploma or Certificate or I shall be obligated to pay additional fees to make up for the unattended 90% credit hour and complete my classes. 


3. I agree that the Maximum classes that can be missed by me, is 10 classes for Diploma Students and 5 Classes for Certificate Students. Therefore I authorize the school not to issue me a Certificate or Diploma if I miss these maximum practical classes stated here. I also agree that to gain back my estimated class hours missed, I will make monthly payment course fees to gain back all the classes missed. 


4. Students cannot leave before the end of the classes or will be marked as absent for not completing the day's credit hour. 


5. I understand that receiving phone calls are prohibited during classes 


6. It is my entitlement to ask as many questions until I understand the course and while in class, I shall wait patiently for the consultant to explain any part of the course that is not clear to me. 


7. I am aware of submitting my assignments within the first 3 month of my enrollment or pay a fine of $50 or N50,000(Naira) for every month delayed .


8. I have a discretion to buy materials and equipment for my personal home practice to aid my advancement in my studies. 


9. The school will only provide the Diploma student with full registration with the body measurements book and rulers, be used during the period of study, the rest of the study materials will be provided by the student. 


10. Fashion shows and photo shoots are arranged by the student and the School and its affiliates are permitted to use photos and videos of my work on advertisements both online and on prints.

11. I am aware that no classes are held in July due to Summer Holiday and every government holiday. 


12. To participate in the school’s fashion show, if any,  I am obligated to submit my application and Project no later than May 31st, of the given year. 


13. I am aware that for my project will be submitted online and  I will defend my project both online and physically.


14. I am aware that exam materials submitted by me are susceptible to rejection if not up to required standards and hereby undertake to be serious about my examination presentation your will be charged $50 or 50,000 Naira for any resubmission . 


15. I shall submit all my examination materials within one month after the end of my school year or pay a fine of $40 or 40,000 Naira for every month delayed. 


16. I am aware that the school reserves the right to use my pictures, projects, project pictures and videos on internet, newspaper, social media and any other form of publicity. 


17. I agree to the Fees Refund Policy being that:

The Registration fee, Tuition Fee and any payments made is NOT refundable and NOT Transferable. 

18. I agree that the Registration Fees is ONLY valid for the study period on my Application Form. 

19. I agree that my admissions or Classes can only be deferred to (the following year only) with a Fee of $200 or 200,000 Naira.​


20. I am aware that If I would like to continue classes afterwards the student can fill out the Returning Student Form for a new seat availability check with a service charge of 50,000 Naira which will be paid on a separate teller, if there is an available seat. After which a new enrollment letter can be issued to the student to continue her classes for the remaining part of her school period as previously Registered.

21. I agree that attendant for classes is determined by Finger Print attendance Record. 


23. I agree that all Educational matters of EKANEM OROK EDUCATIONAL AND LEARN FOUNDATION must only be communicated via the branch email: 


24. I am aware that I am only Restricted to the classroom area of my chosen Program. 

25. I will pay for any item I miss use or break in the School. Cost of the item will be obtained and paid to the school. 


26. I agree that the Computer Aided Design Program (CAD) classes can only commenced after regular classes has be completed.


27. I agree that Books can not be borrowed or taken out of the Library for any reason sake and bags or purses are not allowed in the Library and I am aware of the Library hours and days being 11am - 2pm, on Thursdays. 


28. I agree that content from the website can be changed without prior notification to the me. 


30. I agree that fitting of the garments made in school are require to fitted on the dummies and mannequins provided in school. However, If would prefer my garment fitting to be done directly on my body, it will be done in the same way done on dummies and mannequins for a perfect fit. 

31. I am aware that there is live CCTV for monitoring the activities in the School Premises.

32. Library Fees for those interested in Library User is N300,000

Library day is Thursday by 11am - 2pm

33. I am aware that there is live CCTV for monitoring the activities in the library.


34. I agree that I can not borrow books or take out books from the library. I agree not to take my handbag into the Library. (any important item should be left at home on Library days) I agree to remain silent in the Library I agree not to enter any other study room, Photography, Craft Room etc. except the rooms I have paid to use. Also to call the Instructor/ assistant for assistance when in need at the Library. ​ 

36. I am aware that food and water are not allowed in the Library.





This is to notify all students upon completion of their program that the Diploma is OPTIONAL and NOT compulsory to all students. For students who are wishing or requesting to obtain a Diploma at the end of their study year, Below are the Diploma Specifications Guide: 


1. Attendant of not less than 90% credit hour allocated to students by the school 


2. Fill the Diploma Request form and acknowledge the submission date. 


3. Submission of projects with approved study materials online. 


4. Students are responsible for their Photo Shoot (If required). 


We like to stress again that the Certification and  Diploma is OPTIONAL and Only students who meet with all the above Examination Specifications will earn the Certification and Diploma otherwise substandard examination materials will be rejected. The student can extend  the late submission date with an Extension Fee of $40 or N40,000 Naira per month delayed.

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